Help us to keep film alive and support image makers!

Members get 20% off Medium Dev+Scan!

Basic Membership - $20/mo

20% off 120/35mm Medium dev+scan and dev only(up to 10 rolls monthly)

Priority signup for classes

Access to our members only discord

Ability to reserve darkroom time and pay hourly

Invitation to members only events(including Member Mondays!)

Unlimited membership - $150/mo

Everything in basic plus:

20% discount on all lab services

unlimited 4x5 enlarger/developing/work area access during business hours

60% off 8x10 enlarger and scanner station rentals

Members have access to our darkroom space and pay hourly(or nothing with an unlimited membership). Our facilities include:

-B&W Print Room with 5 Omega D5 enlargers with color heads and digital timers, an 8x10 Durst enlarger, 4 blade Saunders easels up to 20x24

-A film developing area fully outfitted with tanks, reels, beakers, thermometers, and everything you need to develop!

-A print finishing area with dry mount presses, an RC print dryer, fiber drying screens and work tables.

-A Noritsu ls-600 scanner for rent, with an epson V800 coming soon!

*Please call 972-591-1758 for info, or join on the membership page for access!


Omega D5 Enlarger $12/hr

Film Developing $12/hr

8x10 Durst Enlarger $18/hr

Noritsu Scanner Rental $20/30min

*B/W film and print chemistry is provided